She loves me as today, not because of who i am..
she loves me not because of what i did to her..
She is someone.. dat loves me as my abah, mak loves me..
but.. she loves me without reason..
and when i ask, "why did u love me?"
she juz smile.. and said, "I have no answer for dat"
Sometimes.. dats weird when we're not meeting each other..
and only by texting sms, calling, chatting..
dat love become stronger and stronger..
and.. when i'm thinking wat i did to her..
i know.. sometimes.. i can't make her happy like others..
but.. at least..
i want to try...
and.. i want to try..
at least.. once.. to make her smile..
Although.. i always breaking ur heart..
but.. at least.. i want to try..
try again.. and again..
and dis is only for you..
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Kak rin & Me.. (sweet moment together) |
Kak Rin... i know.. sometimes.. i broke ur heart.. hurm.. No.. always break ur heart..
but.. u still love me without reason.. and u always be wid me..
Kak Rin.. i know.. sometimes.. i break our promise and dates..
but.. u still wait for me.. and always there for me..
I always make ur heart cry.. and make u cry..
but.. u were always cheer me up..without condition..
Kak Rin.. i'm really sorry.. for not being perfect friend.. not being perfect adik for you..
but.. truly deep in my heart.. Allah knows everything..
Kak Rin.. i'm sorry can't make u happy as others..
But.. i will try.. will not giving up.. Insyaallah..
Allah made a link between ur heart and mine..
coz He knows, you and me were made each other as sisters..
He knows dat... you and me.. loving each other not bcoz everything..
but only one reason.. Bcoz of Him..
and.. deep in our heart. this relationship is bcoz of Allah..
Kak Rin.. I love u today..
not bcoz of anything..
but only bcoz of Allah..
나는 당신을 사랑합니다
juz like u, kak rin.. |
"Relationship is not based on every meeting..
Not based on de sweet words from de lips..
But i came from de remembrance to someone in every prayer he/she had"
[Imam Ghazali]
really true |
ひとり に しないで